Women plant dyeing cashmere coat

Madder – (Rubia tinctorum) is one of the oldest and most frequently used traditional dyestuffs known to man.
It has extensive history in Turkey, India and Iran where it is still being used for dyeing knotted and woven carpets.
The secret for Turkey red, a deep rich red color, was guarded for centuries throughout Central Asia.
In addition, it involved more than twenty steps to create this prized shade.
Our madder extract will produce pale pink and peach shades all the way through a deep, wine-colored red.
【Latin Name】  Rubia cordifolia L.
【English Name】 India Madder, Indian Madder, Black Fruit Madder
【Family & Genus】Rubiaceae, Rubia
【Description】  Perennial climbing herb; stems tetragonal, some barbed along the edge. Leaves 4, whorled, of which the larger one with long stalk, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-6cm long, 1-3cm wide; leaf margin and dorsal veins with small barbs. Cymes terminal or axillary; flowers small, calyx teeth inconspicuous, corolla green or white, 5 cleft, ciliate. Fruit carnosus, small, dark purple when ripe. Flowering and fruiting: September to October.
【Distribution】  Growing by hill-slope rocks or in limesmarginis tussock. Distributed in warm parts of Asia. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Weinan of Shaanxi, Songxian of Henan, Anhui, Hebei, Shandong and Hubei.
【Part Used】 Medical part: roots. Chinese name: Qiancao.
【Harvest &】 Excavated the roots in Nov after 2-3 years of planting, washed, and sun-dried.

【Chemistry】 Mainly contains anthraquinone derivative.
【Pharmacology】 Hemostatic, anti-bacterial and antitussive.
【Properties & Actions】Bitter, cold. Cooling blood and relieving 
hemorrhage, promoting blood circulation and eliminating stasis.

Madder extract dyes to its deepest colors with an alum mordant and the addition of calcium carbonate (chalk). If you add a mild acid to your dyebath, such as Cream of Tartar, you will create a soft orange shade.